PG电子官方平台注册 – Policy Update

Countdown to Quebec Privacy Compliance The bulk of Quebec’s new privacy law requirements come into effect on September 22nd and according to a recent survey of 100 plus organizations, conducted in partnership with Gowling WLG, there are still several concerns…



The Canadian media and marketing industry is alive with dynamic talent, innovation and design thinking. Underpinning our industry, is an impressive group of legendary individuals who have dedicated their careers to the pursuit of excellence but also contribute generously both…



A lot has happened in the past few months and if you blinked, you may have missed one of the ad industry’s most profound growth spurts. From the launch of ChatGPT in Q4 2022 to several fast-following commitments from major…


Let’s Chat(GPT) about AI

Elon Musk has often been quoted on his thoughts about artificial intelligence and how it will change the world. Filed neatly under “told you so”, Elon’s pet project – OpenAI has a lofty mission “to ensure that artificial general intelligence…


Unboxing Canadian eCommerce

本周, PG电子官方平台注册 hosted their second annual Business of Digital event covering all aspects of eCommerce in Canada. The half-day event was packed with stimulating presentations and practical insights that have been gleaned over the past two years of…


The Future is Frictionless

With just a few weeks left of summer, fall collections are appearing in shop windows and marketers are putting their strategic visions into full practice. After a two-year push towards eCommerce enablement, where virtually every category can be shopped and…
